Visuals help to create an environment that supports all learners by increasing understanding of language, environmental expectations, and providing structure and supports. Visuals include classroom labels and directions, task analyses, and behavioral supports. Visuals for adults or classroom helpers are also available for download.
Visual Supports
Downloadable Visual Supports
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Visual Schedule Cards
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Visual Schedule
Visual schedules are used to provide students with structure, organize and sequence events, increase independence, and improve comprehension of instructions. This document includes visuals that can be used for individual student schedules and activity schedules. There are a variety of pictures for each subject area, so teachers can choose which symbol best represents the activity for a specific student.
Visual Schedule with Teacher Picture (editable)
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Visual Schedule
This document includes an example visual schedule, with additional symbols for customization. On each schedule piece, the student will see a visual + text that represents the activity and a picture + text of the staff member the student will be working with.
This resource is editable!
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Mini Schedule Sequence Strips
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Mini Schedules
This schedule template can be used for students who need explicit, step by step directions to complete an activity. Students can move completed steps from the 'To Do' section to 'Finished' to help the student visually see what what needs to be completed before the activity is over.
(Schedule images not included.)
Visual Expectation Cards
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Visual Cues
Many students, especially those with special needs, have a hard time processing language. To improve comprehension of verbal prompts or directions, teachers or support staff should pair directions provided verbally with a visual prompt.Â
Visuals are also helpful when a student is in an escalated state. It is important to limit verbal language and directions when a student is demonstrating difficulty with behavior to provide clear directives of what you want them to do in the moment. This resource provides visual expectation cards in both a small and large size and can be hole punched and put on a key ring to be used as a necklace or wristlet or can be used for whole class prompts and cues.
Token Economy System
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Token Economy
A token economy is a positive reinforcement system. A student receives a token for expected behaviors that can be exchanged for a predetermined reinforcer. Before beginning an activity, have the student select a reinforcer that he or she would like to work for and place a symbol, picture, or write the item or activity in the "I am working for..." box. Once the student earns a certain amount of tokens, he or she can access the desired reinforcer.
Hole Punch Token Economy (5 Tokens)
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Token Economy
A token economy is a positive reinforcement system. A student receives tokens (in this case, hole punches), and can exchange the completed card for a larger reinforcer, such as 5 minutes with a preferred activity. Hole punch token economies are great for those who don't want to keep track of all the token pieces used in traditional token economies.
Hole Punch Token Economy (10 Tokens)
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Token Economy
A token economy is a positive reinforcement system. A student receives tokens (in this case, hole punches), and can exchange the completed card for a larger reinforcer, such as 5 minutes with a preferred activity. Hole punch token economies are great for those who don't want to keep track of all the token pieces used in traditional token economies.
Premack Principle:
First/Then Card
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First/Then Card
This is a simple strategy that can be used to increase the likelihood that a student will complete a non-preferred activity. When using this system, put the non-preferred activity on the "first" side, and he preferred reinforcer on the "then" side. Available in multiple colors.
Break Cards
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Break Cards
Teaching a replacement behavior? Students with escape maintained behaviors typically are taught to ask for a break either verbally or with a picture exchange system. This resource provides you with break cards and additional templates to help you fade the number of breaks a student takes to complete an assignment or activity.
Prompting Hierarchy Visuals for Adults
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Adult Visuals
Sometimes adults need visuals too! This document includes visuals that describe prompting hierarchies to be used with students with autism or other disabilities when teaching new tasks, and maintaining mastered skills. Hang these on the wall, attach to student desks, tables or data collection systems.
Common Core Standard Visuals for the Classroom (Editable)
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Common Core Standard Visuals
Sometimes it's hard for others to understand the academic purpose skills we teach to students with low incidence disabilities. Use these visuals to post in your classroom stations, to describe the standards that are being addressed in your classroom, while providing visual supports for non-reading students, so they are able to understand the purpose as well!
Hygiene Task Analyses
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Visual Supports
Hygiene is an important skills for any student to learn, but these everyday tasks can be difficult for some students with special needs to complete. These complex skills can be broken down into smaller, more manageable steps using a visual support called a task analysis. This resource includes visuals for hand washing, brushing teeth, using deodorant, and using the bathroom. Data sheets are included for each task to track progress!
Health Care and Nursing Visuals
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Visual Supports
This resource can be downloaded in the Word format to add text to the visuals, or just paired with a verbal prompt. These visuals should be used to help prepare students for medical procedures by providing a schedule for the medical need or warning the student of what needs to be done.
Visual Pain Scale
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Visual Supports
Student with limited language skills (expressive or receptive) sometimes have difficulty explaining how they feel when they are sick or injured. This visual provides the student with an easy way to communicate their need.